Orange Headband with Decorative Swarovski CrystalsC$70.00PriceThis beautiful headband was hand stained orange and decorated with silver & orange Swarovski crystals. Leather Piece: 12.5 inches/31.8 cms x 1 inch/2.5 cmsElastic Piece: 7.5 inches/9 cms and medium strethchyQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now
Orange Headband with Decorative Swarovski CrystalsC$70.00PriceThis beautiful headband was hand stained orange and decorated with silver & orange Swarovski crystals. Leather Piece: 12.5 inches/31.8 cms x 1 inch/2.5 cmsElastic Piece: 7.5 inches/9 cms and medium strethchyQuantityAdd to CartBuy Now